Thursday, October 4, 2012


   Over the past weekend m boyfriend and I decided to go see the new movie Looper staring Bruce Willis and the guy who played the younger version of him in the movie, I can never remember his name but he is in a lot of movies. The movie moved a little to slow for me. Since the movie was based on time traveling a lot of flashbacks and flash forwarding was done. The movie did have good plot twists but it kind of took to long to get their. In the movie Bruce Willis and his past self meet each other which is a very interesting concept. What would it be like to me yourself 30 years from now. I wonder through the entire movie what I would say to myself, would I give myself advice or what. All and all the movie was average and I would not mind watching it again if it came on tv or my favorite place in the word Netflix. I also wondered if movie attendance has gone down every since the tragedy in Colorado. I noticed that there were not as many people in the movies that I would normally see on a weekend night.But it could also be the fact that the price to see and eat at the movie theater has gotten to a ridiculous price. I cannot understand how it is legal to charge for a small popcorn the amount I would pay if I bought a box of popcorn with 6 bags in it. But I digress.

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